An Introduction to the Holy Spirit

The purpose of this study is to understand our knowledge of the Holy Spirit and compare it against The Word of God. As we draw closer to God, we must recognize His Spirit in our lives and how He works in us. This is a key element in the Christian life so that we will learn how to follow the Lord’s voice and not deviate from the plans He has for us. In preparation for this study, it became clear to me that my understanding of the Holy Spirit was far too under‑informed. I had many misconceptions that needed correc­tion, and as I grow in the Lord, many more of these will come forth. A critical success factor in our relationship with Him will be how willing we are to challenge our own beliefs concerning the Holy Spirit by comparing them with the scriptures.

This book is intended for the young and the old, the new Christian convert and the mature in the Lord; both laymen and biblical scholars alike. The goal is to target all denominations of Christianity. There are aspects of God’s Holy Spirit that many have not considered before because they are rarely discussed or taught. The approach of this text is to make it simple enough for everyone to read and understand yet comprehensive enough for even the most scholarly to appreciate.

From research to date, there are no written works as compre­hensive as what you will find in this book about God’s Holy Spirit. That is a bold statement, but it’s part of what led me to write this book. This book is intended to be a complete topical New Testament study of God’s Holy Spirit with all direct scrip­tures of God’s Holy Spirit referenced. That said, comprehensive texts can sometimes come across as all‑knowing or expert in na­ture. I deliberated the balance between comprehensive and ex­haustive and have concluded for this book to be as effective as I desire, that I have leaned more towards comprehensive. To think I could write an exhaustive text about God’s Holy Spirit could be considered arrogant, given that God’s Spirit can be unpredict­able. There is no formula with God’s Spirit, so that is the ap­proach I have taken in the book. I want the book to teach you as much as possible about each characteristic of God’s Spirit with­out boring you with exhaustive content. I have provided exam­ples to give some real experiences to enhance the content and assist in your understanding.